Naserian kimathi
Hi, I'm Naserian and I am The Jump-start Coach. My work focuses on helping people to re-ignite their energies by finding fulfilment in their careers. Through a unique blend of career and life coaching, I help professionals to explore their purpose and seek to build a career that is aligned to it.
I do this because I believe (and research backs me on this) that one of the greatest motivator in life is doing work that is meaningful and impactful. We truly come alive when we are on a path that we trust will lead us to fulfilling our purpose. When we are clear on our values and live in alignment with them, we feel a sense of balance and “rightness.” The journey towards that alignment is what my coaching is all about.

Despite a long and successful career in Organisational Development, Talent Management and HR, I increasingly felt the need to have a real and direct impact on people’s lives. I found myself feeling limited, misplaced and demotivated. My career wasn’t giving me the fulfillment I was seeking. I realised I needed to do something, and I had some ideas, but I was unsure and paralyzed by many fears. A friend recommended that I get some Coaching, and that was the beginning of a turning point in my life.
Coaching helped me to unpack my dissatisfaction, chart my way forward and make amazing transformations in my life. More than that, the experience clearly demonstrated to me the impact that coaching could have on people’s lives - the type of impact I was seeking! This was further reaffirmed when I later enrolled in a Coaching course, initially simply to expand my knowledge. I eventually came to the realization that Coaching and other volunteer work that I do were perfect vehicles through which to pursue what I identified as my purpose-helping others get unstuck, find their purpose and live their lives fully engaged in its fulfillment.
Doing this work 'sets my soul on fire' and I want to help you to jump-start yourself and find the same feeling in your own unique way.

My entire career thus far has revolved around helping people across different industries and seniority levels - through organizational development, talent management, career development, coaching and mentoring.
Over the years I have invested my time and resources to expand my knowledge in Organisational Development (MSc.), Business Administration (B.A.), HR (H.Dip.) and Coaching (Dip). I have worked as a Human Capital Consultant in a multinational professional services firm and as a Talent Management and HR practitioner.
My combination of education and work experience gives me a unique background that enables me to coach across a broad range of clients and scenarios.
As a qualified Coach, you will find that I adhere to the highest standards of professionalism. I approach my coaching with a deep sense of empathy balanced with the professional objectivity you need from a Coach. I adhere to the ICF Code of Ethics and as such maintain high standards of confidentiality. I operate as a legally registered business with streamlined procedures.